
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Simple smoothie

First I have to say don't take everything at once.  Mixing all your nutrients into one smoothie is not only gross but may block absorption of some nutrients and decrease the action of others as they compete and interact and simply get in each others way.  It is also confusing to your body.  Your pancreas has to come up with enzymes, your vast immune and nutrient response system in your gut has to respond to each and every thing it sees, and it goes on and on from there as the nutrients send a mass of mixed messages to the brian in your gut, and the brain in your head, and throughout your body.  Simple is simply more effective.

So here's my favorite smoothie (modify fruit as desired)
I warm up my frozen BERRIES (by setting them in the fridge for the night or by slightly warming them in the toaster oven) so my body does not have to waste energy heating them up (genTly don't destroy the nutrients).  Fresh is great too but not always accessible and sometimes it's better to get a local frozen fruit than one that got shipped across the world with fumes in dark crates.

Then I add NUTS and or SEEDS (walnuts or cashews or almonds that I soaked overnight, or hemp seeds, or sunflower seeds, or flax seeds, or whatever).

COCONUT MILK and water (or better yet coconut water with coconut milk).

A BANANA if I want it sweet.

Sometimes spirulina, chlorella or other algae and blend to desired consistency (no I can not taste the green - not at all in fact).

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